Eric Linin
  • Paese: United Kingdom
  • Numero di Titoli: 1
  • Contatta l'autore:

Eric Linin is a learning and development professional with over 40 years of business experience including more than 25 years in the development field. 

Most recently Eric was Head of Leadership Development with Lloyd’s of London, a role he left in 2018 having launched the award-winning Lloyd’s University, conceived the Lloyd’s Market Learning Week and established a number of highly acclaimed leadership and coaching programmes. As a ‘Baby Boomer’, Eric has himself had to adapt to the challenges that many managers and leaders face in acclimatising to the new working environment of an Agile Workforce. Many of the examples used in this book are from his own personal experiences.

A highly respected speaker, facilitator, specialist in Leadership and Management Development and an experienced leader and manager in his own right, he now works independently, specifically working with new leadership teams to help them to come together into a cohesive and effective unit. He also works with Senior Leaders who are undertaking Masters Degrees in Business Administration coaching and mentoring students as they develop their portfolio of evidence to meet the exacting demands of the End Point Assessor.
Outside of his professional interests, Eric is a keen sports fan – mainly as a spectator these days. He is a season ticket holder at the Oval and hopes to spend more of his leisure time following the England Team on overseas tours. He also enjoys hiking, live music and travel.

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