David McCrae
  • Paese: United Kingdom
  • Numero di Titoli: 7
  • Contatta l'autore:

David McCrae helps aspiring speakers master virtual communication so that they can find their voice, tell their story and share their message.

When David lost his dad to cancer at age 22, he realised that he was not making the most of his life, and serving others to his full potential. David dedicated himself to public speaking, knowing that he could make the most of his abilities and impact the largest number of people through this medium.

David is the author of three #1 Amazon bestselling books in three different categories, 5x national public speaking champion in his home country of Scotland and host of a podcast with an audience in over 50 countries across the world.


David’s clients have spoken for TEDx, the NHS, HMRC, HM Prison Service and The Prince’s Trust.

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