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Jonathan Weir
  • Paese: United Kingdom
  • Numero di Titoli: 3

Dr WeiQi Yan received his Ph.D. degree from Institute of Computing Technology, Academia Sinica, China in 2001. His research interests include Multimedia Systems and Intelligent Multimedia Security, Forensics and Surveillance. He has over 90 publications. Dr Yan is serving as an associate editor for the Journal of Multimedia, an associate editor for the International Journal of Digital Crime Forensics, and a guest editor of the Springer Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security (DHMMS).

Jonathan Weir received his BSc. degree in computer science from Queen's University Belfast, UK, in 2008. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree in computer science at Queen's University Belfast, UK. His research interests are visual cryptography, digital imagery and image processing.

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