Catégories Corporatif
W. J. R. H. Pooler
  • Pays: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 2

W. J. R. H. Pooler

ONC, MA (Cantab) class 1, CENG, MIEE, MIMechE

I studied for and obtained Ordinary National Certificate while working as an apprentice at the English Electric Co, Stafford. This included time in their high voltage laboratory. I then went to Cambridge University and passed the Mechanical Sciences Tripos after two years with First Class Honours. For the third year, I carried out further studies on heavy electrical power machines. After graduating, I joined the Iraq Petroleum Company in Kirkuk, Iraq and was later appointed Protection Engineer and System Control Engineer responsible for the operation of the high voltage network and for the hands on commissioning of all new electrical plant including 66kv and 11kv cables and lines and transformers up to 5MVA and motors up to 2000 hp.

I was then appointed Head of Electrical Engineering at Basrah Petroleum Co responsible for four power stations, 33kv and 11kv transformers, cables and lines and motors up to 1500 hp. The operation of all Instrumentation in the Production Plants and all Telecommunications in the Company was later added to my responsibilities.

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