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T. L. Brink
  • Pays: United States
  • Number of Titles: 1

T.L. Brink was awarded his B.A. summa cum laude from Claremont Men’s College. He earned his M.B.A. from Santa Clara University and doctorate from the University of Chicago. He has served on the faculties of Stanford University, Crafton Hills College, University of Redlands, University of California Riverside, Notre Dame de Namur University, Loma Linda University, and Universidad Iberoamericana. He was selected to author the consumer behavior course for the University of the People, the world’s first tuition free online university. 

Dr. Brink is the author of over a dozen other books, and over a hundred articles for academic journals and encyclopedias. On YouTube he is known as “headlessprofessor” where his videos have two million hits. His (correct) predictions of the last three Mexican presidential elections have been the occasion of much controversy. Dr. Brink lives in Mexico (Toluca & Acapulco), Chicago, and California (Redlands & Long Beach), and may be contacted at

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