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Peter Doesburg
  • Pays: Netherlands
  • Number of Titles: 77
  • Contacter l'auteur:

Peter started his entrepreneurial journey in the early 2000's riding the first wave of Social Media adoption. After a brief stint building Corporate Digital Infrastructure, Peter decided to focus on the human aspect as a Personal Trainer and life Coach. With the arrival of his children Peter became a stay-home-dad, which also led him to go back to his old roots and start an Online Content Creation business, making podcasts and YouTube videos as well as consulting a wide variety of businesses on how to best approach today's online media landscape.

Découvrir tous les livres de Peter Doesburg
Digitalisation and Kids
Productivity Hacks: How to Prioritise Tasks
Productivity: Don't Turn Your Phone On
Pilar 1: The Metaverse
IT Best Practices: Using a Stream deck
How Cold Showers Will Change Your Life
Home Office Balance
Knowledge Retention within Your Organisation
Leading a Meeting
Employee Experience: My Bad Manager
Goal Setting and Purpose
Metaverse: Sentiment Analysis
Happiness: How to Stay Balanced
Pilar 5: Crypto
Productivity Hacks: Taking Breaks
Expectation Management
A Career Gap, Now What?
Productivity Hacks: Streamline Virtual Meetings
Digitalisation: Future
Setting Goals
Pilar 2: Web 3.0
It All Starts With Fitness
Motivation and Discipline
Hybrid Work: Employee Perspective
IT Best Practices: Purchasing a New Computer
The Small Things Matter
Happiness: Family First
Five Qualities Every Entrepreneur Should Have
The Power of Getting up Early
AI in the Workplace
AI vs Machine Learning
Productivity: Email Hacks
Pilar 4: DAO's
Knowledge Retention with a Departing Employee
Employee Development: Employee's Perspective
All the Good Foods
Hybrid Work: Employer Perspective
Employee Development from a Manager's Perspective
How to Stick to a Fitness Routine
Pilar 3: NFT's
Kennis overdracht: Vertrekkende Werknemer
Tijd management
Productiviteit Hack: Taak management
Ontwikkeltraject: Manager perspectief
Digitale Toekomst
Kennisborging binnen een organisatie
Balans in werk en gezin
Deadlines Nakomen
Het begint allemaal met fitness
Conflicten Oplossen
Metaverse: Mogelijkheden
Hybride Werkgever
De kracht van vroeg opstaan
Feedback Ontvangen en Accepteren
Ontwikkeltraject: Persoonlijk perspectief
Digitale Kinderen
Productiviteit Hacks
Carriere gat, en nu?
Kleine pauzes voor meer productiviteit
Metaverse: Risico's
Interculturele competentie
Nieuwe Computer aanschaffen
Doelen stellen
Hoe best feedback geven?
Productiviteit Hack: Streamdeck
Vijf eigenschappen van ondernemers
Duurzaamheid in Business
Blijf leren
Content creator werkwijze
Werken onder druk
Hybride Werknemer
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