Livre électronique professionnel

Organisational Resistance

Langue :  English
In this session we will cover a multi-faceted view of organisational resistance. Through a structured model and practical examples, we will answer questions like: How can you identify resistance?
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Organisational resistance is one of the main reasons why transformation projects fail to reach their initial objectives. The truth is: every project is likely to face resistance at some point in its lifecycle. Resistance could be manifested overtly where individuals will try to directly sabotage a particular initiative, or its expression could be subtle and hard to detect in its early stages for untrained eyes. Consequently, a lot of time and effort is invested in trying to resolve conflicts that appear along the way.

Through a structured model and multiple practical examples, we will answer questions like: How can you identify resistance? What are its reasons? And ultimately: How can you engage with resistance productively?

A propos de l'auteur

Selma Delija-Röhm