Michel Leseure
  • Pays: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Contacter l'auteur:

Michel Leseure has a PhD in Manufacturing Management from the University of Sheffield (UK), an MBA from the Eastern Washington University (USA), and an engineering degree from ENSMM (France). He started his career as a mechanical engineer in the customised capital goods industry. He is now a Senior Lecturer in Operations Management at the University of Chichester Business School. He has previously worked for Loughborough University, Aston Business School, Al Akhawayn University, Plymouth Business School, and the Isle of Man International Business School. Michel’s publications have appeared in journals such as the International Journal of Operations and Production Management, the International Journal of Technology Management, Omega (the International Journal of Management Science), and the International Journal of Business Performance Management. His research interests include organisations and technology as evolving systems, operations and supply chain management, and scenario analysis. Michel is a keen windsurfer and stand-up paddler, and lives in West Sussex on the south coast of the UK.

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