Maria Marquis
  • Pays: United States
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Contacter l'auteur:

Before building a career as an instructional designer and facilitator, Maria Marquis trained to be an actor. Both the arts and education allow Marquis to pursue her goal to foster intercommunication, mutual understanding, and respect by telling people’s stories; letting them be recognized, heard, understood, and appreciated. Her passion is creating inclusive, fun, and impactful learning experiences.

As an instructor and designer, her focus is on empowerment, based on the belief that people of all skill levels can find success – no matter what their role or level of tech-savvy might be. Marquis began her instructional design career building Box’s customer education program from the ground up, resulting in a global program with a suite of self-paced courseware, and 1000s of hours of virtual training delivered to businesses of all sizes and industries. After serving as an in-house instructional designer and facilitator for multiple companies, she built her own consulting practice to build powerful learning experiences for organizations and empower people to build their presentation and facilitation skills.

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