Kim Song-Kyoo
  • Pays: China
  • Number of Titles: 2

Dr. Song-Kyoo (Amang) Kim has been an Associate Professor of various universities in the UAE. Prior to join in the Gulf regions, he was the core faculty member of Asian Institute of Management who taught Technology, Innovation and Operations topics. Before joining the academe, he had been a Technical Manager of mobile communication division at Samsung Electronics for over 10 years and mainly dealt with technology management in IT industries.

Dr Kim has received his Ph.D. of Operations Research on 2002 from Florida Institute of Technology. He is the author of various research papers and patents focused on mobile industries. He is the project leader of major 6 sigma and TRIZ projects in Samsung Electronics. He is also an external reviewer of IEEE transaction on Network and Communications and has been an invited speaker of several international conferences about Technology Management and Systematic Innovation.

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