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New Innovation Guidebook for Game Changers

Three Step Innovation Process for New Business Developments

(11 Classements )
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Langue :  English
This guidebook provides a 3-step systematic problem solving process. It contains a detailed step-by-step process highlighting the various TRIZ tools that may be used to define, solve.
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The new edition of this guidebook provides the ways of systematic defining and solving business problems innovatively and it makes designers to adapt the various TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) applications to their business (or product) development. The main aim of the guidebook is to provide a 3-step systematic problem solving process. It contains a detailed step-by-step process highlighting the various TRIZ tools that may be used to define, solve, and evaluate various business design problems.

About the author

Dr. Song-Kyoo (Amang) Kim has been an Associate Professor of various universities in the UAE. Prior to join in the Gulf regions, he was the core faculty member of Asian Institute of Management who taught Technology, Innovation and Operations topics. Before joining the academe, he had been a Technical Manager of mobile communication division at Samsung Electronics for over 10 years and mainly dealt with technology management in IT industries.

  1. Preface 
    1. What is this guidebook about? 
    2. Who is this guidebook for? 
    3. How can this guidebook help? 
    4. How is this guidebook used? 
    5. Benefits 
  2. Introduction 
    1. Systematic Innovations (SI)
    2. Other Innovation Process 
    3. Introduction to New Business Development 
    4. Systematic Innovation in New Business Development 
  3. Systematic Innovation Three Step Process 
    1. Problem Identification (Step 1) 
    2. Problem Solving (Step 2) 
    3. Evaluation and Prototyping (Step 3) 
  4. Empirical Case Studies 
    1. Amazon: Kindle distribution 
    2. Residence Cooling Systems for Developing Countries 
    3. Philippine Airforce: Enhanced Helipad Design 
    4. Bayani: New Plastic Bottle Design 
    5. Dong-In Entech: Innovative Manufacturing Improvement 
  5. Conclusions 
  6. Appendix A: Worksheets 
  7. Appendix B: Multi-Screen Thinking
  8. Appendix C: 40 Inventive Principles with Applications in Business Operations
  9. Appendix D: Enhanced Su-Field Model
  10. Appendix E: ARIZ for Service Design
  11. References
Very good collection and overview
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A propos de l'auteur

Kim Song-Kyoo