Catégories Corporatif
Johanna Morillon
  • Pays: France
  • Number of Titles: 1

Johanna is a certified professional coach and trainer. She has a true passion for coaching people to identify, live and work at their highest potential and overcome their fears and limiting beliefs, notably in English public speaking.

An American native based in Paris with over twenty years’ experience working in international companies and multicultural environments. She is truly bi-cultural and has a keen sense of the importance of cross-cultural communication in order to successfully exchange ideas.

Johanna has worked for international management development programs, in project & event management for major international sporting events and as Master of Ceremonies for several years at Eurosport/Discovery International. She has a proven capacity for teamwork, effective communication, public relations with top level clients and excellent presentation skills.

Through her rich and varied professional experience, Johanna discovered her love of public speaking, interpersonal and cross-cultural communication and her desire to empower people. Passionate about presence and impactful communication, she works for both startups and corporations such as Accenture, Vinci, Thales, Klesia, and Société Générale coaching both teams and individual executives in English and French. She is specialized in public speaking, storytelling, effective pitching, cross cultural communication and soft skills.

A multi-passionate entrepreneur, Johanna is convinced that one should never stop learning and growing and is also investigating positive psychology, neuroscience, human innovation and design thinking.

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