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Dr. Yazan K.A-A. Migdadi
  • Pays: Jordan
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Contacter l'auteur:

Dr. Yazan K.A-A. Migdadi is the associate professor of operations management at Yarmouk university, business administration department. He holds a bachelor degree in business administration and master of business administration from Yarmouk university Jordan, and holds Ph.D. in operations management from Bradford university school of management UK. For about ten years, he has been teaching courses related to operations research, operations management, and project management, for graduate and undergraduate students at UK and Jordan. 

Dr. Yazan has authored books in operations management and has published numerous papers in operations management and operations research, he is a reviewer for many international journals and editorial board member of some Journals. Dr. Yazan has held some academic positions as the head of business administration department at Yarmouk university Jordan. He was awarded best paper awards in some conferences.

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