Dr. Sherif A. Zaki Tehemar
  • Pays: Egypt
  • Number of Titles: 1

Dr. Sherif was an oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMS) consultant graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria Egypt in 1986. He was a faculty member of different dental colleges in Egypt and CSR advisor for many companies in the MENA regions. He was a member of several professional organizations and societies related to OMS, Dental Implantology, CSR and Total Quality Management.

Dr. Sherif received extensive trainings and completed several certified courses related to Sustainability Reporting, CSR, Total Quality Management, Leadership, Management, Strategic Planning, Six Sigma and others. He became a lean six sigma green belt certified (Symbios, UK), certified on managerial skills (Crestcom, USA) and certified on Corporate Social Responsibility & Competitiveness by the World Bank Institute. He published several articles, contributed in many conferences-related to CSR & OMS-, national and international, and received many awards throughout his career. He was also nominated for the CSR Leadership Award from the World Marketing Summit (Malaysia-2013).

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