Livre électronique professionnel

Building Diversity and Inclusion

From Commitment to Action

Langue :  English
This eBook explores how to embed D&I into your culture, your services and operations and how to use data to monitor progress. It includes tips and checklists that any organisation can use.
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Diversity and inclusion is linked to higher profits, better engagement, and increased innovation. This eBook argues that diversity and Inclusion should not just sit with your HR or with your D& I team. It is everyone’s responsibility. The eBook aims to help business professionals unlock the benefits of diversity and inclusion and embed D&I into the DNA of the organisation via your culture, services and operations and how you can use data to monitor and report on your progress. It includes simple, practical tips and checklists that any organisation can implement regardless of size and budgets.

About the Author

Monica Stancu, Diversity and Inclusion manager and One Young World AmbassadorMonica Stancu is a Diversity and Inclusion Manager. Previously, she has worked in diversity and inclusion at the Royal Academy of Engineering, Sodexo and Roche. Monica has also worked in international affairs.She holds an MA in Women’s History from Sarah Lawrence College and was a visiting scholar at Columbia University.

  • About the author
  1. Introduction to diversity and inclusion
    1. The diversity deficit and inclusion gap
    2. The case for diversity and inclusion
  2. Embedding Diversity and Inclusion into your culture
    1. Inclusive leadership
    2. The future of work
    3. Wellbeing
  3. Embedding Diversity and Inclusion into your services and operations
    1. Inclusive communication
    2. Inclusive events
    3. Inclusive programmes (prizes, awards and grants)
  4. Diversity and inclusion data
    1. Why is data important?
    2. What can you measure?
    3. How do you know what good looks like?
  • Conclusions
  • References

Explain how inclusive practices contribute to the overall success of a company.

A propos de l'auteur

Monica Stancu