Livre électronique professionnel

Best Practices From Female Leaders

with Marianne Dupuis

Langue :  English
Many female leaders have derived excellent practices from their years-long intensive experience. Let's set aside pre-conceived ideas and explore with curiosity what could be meaningful for us too!
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When coping with multiple stakeholders, planning for emergencies or prioritizing are key success factors, many female leaders, often with families, have learned and perfected excellent practices from year-long intensive experiences. Let's set aside pre-conceived ideas and explore with curiosity what could be meaningful for us too!

About the Expert

Marianne Dupuis Janin has coached more than 650 leaders across the globe so their teams can thrive. When people give just the bare minimum, hold dear to silo mentalities or leave the organization way too soon, it is time for leadership transformation. And coaching helps tremendously to map the path to success, to shorten the transition plus to ensure sustainable results turn into mainstream culture.

  Marianne coaches with thought-provoking conversations, step-by-step action plans and neurosciences techniques to challenge limiting beliefs. She guides leaders to sharpen their emotional intelligence, clarify their professional purposes, grow their leadership skills and find ways to motivate their teams to thrive together. Her approach relies on an immense trust in humanity’s potential to contribute growing self and others, for greater good.

A propos de l'auteur

Marianne Dupuis Janin