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Are you Data Literate, Illiterate or a Data Slave?

Understand, know and learn how to use data

13m 32s
Langue:  English
Are you OK with just the ordinary basics? If you want more on the value, use of data, and the relevant warnings, this talk from Steven J. Manning is for you.
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Get a targeted perspective on what data is, can be, must be, must never be to be useful in your career and life. He breaks down critical components, attributes, uses and manipulations of data: good and bad, even nefarious. All listeners to this audio have data that is personal, indigenous to your work-life, of interest to you for whatever reasons. Understand it, use it thoughtfully and effectively. Do not be paralyzed nor a slave to it. Be data literate.

A propos de l'auteur

Steven J. Manning