Antonio Cardona
  • Pays: United States
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Contacter l'auteur:

My name is Antonio Cardona. I thank you and am very I am glad you have chosen my book to read!

So, we get to know each other, here is a little about me:

I have spent a considerable amount of time thinking and working with "leaders". I thought I'd write a book that would use that information to help others that wish to try their hand at leading – much like you are now doing by picking up this book.

Currently serve as the EEO/AA Officer for the State of New Jersey in the United States; where I conduct Equal Employment and Human Resources Management investigations for management. I serve to support and advise senior managers/supervisors and some senior staff in ensuring our human resources outreach and our diversity compliment is appropriate. In a way, I provide the right "motivation" and "leadership" in this area.

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