Wenlong Wang
  • Maa: Canada
  • Number of Titles: 3

Mr. Wenlong Wang

Mr. Wenlong Wang is a retired mathematics educator in China. He has been working on algebra and geometry problems for many years, and has taught many students in the past few years. He is an expert and a senior researcher in mathematics education.

Professor Hao Wang

Professor Hao Wang is a faculty member in the Department of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences at the University of Alberta, an advisory board member of Centre for Mathematical Biology, an associate editor for International Journal of Numerical Analysis & Modeling – Series B, an editor for Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory (an international journal of research and surveys), an editor for a special issue of The Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, and an associate faculty member for Faculty of 1000 Biology. Dr. Wang has strong interests in interdisciplinary research of mathematical biology. His research group is working on areas as diverse as modeling stoichiometry-based ecological interactions, microbiology, infectious diseases, predator-prey interactions, habitat destruction and biodiversity, risk assessment of oil sands pollution. Mathematical models include ordinary differential equations, delay differential equations, partial differential equations, stochastic differential equations, integral differential/difference equations.

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