Toni Horn
  • Maa: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

Toni Horn is a renowned neurodiversity consultant and the Founder of Think Differently Coaching. Highly passionate about harnessing the advantages of neurodiversity, Toni works to empower neurodivergent minds to benefit the organisations they work for. Late diagnosed with Autism at the age of 40 and living with Dyslexia, Toni shares her lived experience of neurodiversity as a coach and trainer, giving her speeches an authentic tone. Toni has been exposed to an array of different neurodiversity’s, further crediting her expertise as a neurodiversity consultant. Now booked as a speaker, Toni emphasises the importance of neurodiverse talent.

Toni worked for Barclays for 17 years in a variety of roles – from Relationship Manager to Regional leader. In 2019, Toni became the UK Neurodiversity Co-Chair Support Lead for Barclays, coaching colleagues with Dyslexia and advocating for awareness of neurodiversity to senior leaders. In 2022, Toni founded Think Differently Coaching, currently acting as the Director and developing CPD Neurodiversity training and spearheading the company’s efforts in harnessing the power of neurodiversity.

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