Terry Sloan
  • Maa: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1

The author is Emeritus Professor of Physics at Lancaster University. As well as his teaching work he has done research in particle physics principally at particle accelerators at CERN in Geneva and DESY in Hamburg. Here he has been involved in research to understand the structure of the proton and to test the standard Electroweak model of particle interactions. As part of this he became spokesperson and leader of the European Muon Collaboration (EMC), a large international collaboration at CERN, which discovered the EMC effect in nuclear physics and that only a small fraction of the proton’s spin is carried by its valence quarks. This led to the award of the Rutherford Medal by the UK Institute of Physics. In recent years he has researched the effects of cosmic rays on clouds with the aim of measuring their contribution to global warming. His interests outside his scientific work include ornithology, walking in the countryside and music, singing in two choirs.

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