Susie Pearl
  • Maa: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

Susie Pearl is a best-selling author of books on creativity and wellness and a podcaster and broadcaster on living a powerful life.

Susie recently launched her book The Art of Creativity, 7 powerful habits to unlock your full potential (Hachette publishing). There is a front cover quote from David Lynch with the tag ´Great food for thought and action´.

Another hit book from Susie is the plant-based cookbook Farmacy Kitchen cookbook, written for the London based restaurant of the same name and endorsed by Stella McCartney. Susie became well known with her book, Instructions for Happiness and Success, a book on how to and manage your mind effectively. She is a collaborator and book coach helping others to write books and get publishing deals. She has worked with writers such as Paul Mckenna, Hollywood coach Michael Neill, and Jasmine Hemsley.

Susie works as a coach helping individuals and companies succeed. She has worked in television producing shows for kids at The Children’s Channel, she was CEO and co-founder of a celebrity PR agency in London.

She was a celebrity PR with MTV and worked with some of the biggest names in music and entertainment including Madonna, The Spice Girls, Michael Jackson and George Michael.

Susie has BA and BSc degrees in psychology and has been a coach for over 15 years working with individuals and companies at board and CEO level for global brands including Microsoft, Apple, MTV and Sony.

Susie was Managing Director of Paul Mckenna’s personal development training company, working directly with the co-creator of Neuro Linguistic Programming Dr Richard Bandler. She managed their company with programmes teaching thousands of people personal development techniques and strategies in the area of NLP and personal mastery.

Susie is lives between Ibiza and the UK and is mother to a young entrepreneur who is breaking new ground in the blockchain space.

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