Sarah Field
  • Instituutio: University of Brighton
  • Maa: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1

Sarah is Principal Lecturer at the Brighton Business School, University of Brighton, where she leads the postgraduate law programme. She specialises in the law of contract and criminal law. She has also lectured in law and criminology at the Open University and Sussex University, and delivered seminars on criminal law to members of the police force. In 2012 she won the Student Union Postgraduate Support Award – for the most supportive postgraduate supervisor or tutor – and has been nominated for a number of other teaching awards. She has presented numerous conference papers and published widely in national and international law journals on her particular areas of interest, the criminal liability of corporations and directors’ duties. Her work is frequently cited by other academics in the field. Sarah has also acted as a Greek-English interpreter for the Crown Prosecution Service.

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