Peter Zámborský
  • Ammattinimike: Senior Lecturer
  • Maa: New Zealand
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

Peter Zámborský is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Management and International Business at the University of Auckland Business School in New Zealand. He is also the director of an e-learning firm Featherlight Enterprises, the Editor of New Zealand Journal of Research on Europe and an Editorial Review Board member of the International Journal of Emerging Markets. Peter’s research focuses on foreign market entry modes, foreign direct investment spillovers and global innovation strategy. He has published in the areas of international business, management and economics. Peter is the co-author (with Alain Verbeke et al.) of Contemporary International Business in the Asia-Pacific Region (Cambridge University Press, 2019). He also published two electronic textbooks (, and several book chapters (Cambridge University Press, Springer) and cases (SAGE Publications). His recent research has appeared in Journal of Management and Organization, Global Economy Journal and Eastern European Economics. Peter was quoted by media including BBC and Wall Street Journal.  

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