Mufaro Gunduza
  • Maa: Zimbabwe
  • Number of Titles: 3

Mufaro Gunduza is an author, motivational speaker, coach and professor at Mount Carmel Institute of Business Intelligence in Harare, Zimbabwe. He has taught at a number of universities in Southern Africa. These include the University of Zimbabwe (UZ), Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU), the Women’s University in Africa (WUA), UNISA, Walter Sisulu University (WSU) and Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT).
He pioneered the prestigious Masters Degree in Business Intelligence (MBI) in Africa. He regularly hosts executive seminars and conferences on Creativity & Innovation, Blue Sky Thinking, 360 Degree Ethical Leadership, Boardroom Intelligence, Guerrilla Research Methods and Financial Intelligence & Stewardship.
He sits in the following boards: the Great Dyke Educational Trust, the Ethics Institute of Zimbabwe, and Emerald Hill School for the Deaf, the Marlen-Woch Foundation and the Rotary Club of Harare City’s Public Relations Cluster.

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