Howard Kier
  • Maa: United States
  • Number of Titles: 3
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

Renaissance man best describes Howard’s knowledge in a vast number of fields. First as a computer engineer/programmer, Howard, learned the inner workings of several industries as he wrote computer programs to support various customers. 

Realizing his naivete of business matters, Howard returned to school and earned an Master of Business administration from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, USA to go along with his previous earned Master of Computer Engineering from Syracuse University (Syracuse, New York, USA). 

Being a voracious reader, Howard can often be found reading a book or current events on his electronic devices. All of this information rattles around in Howard’s head until called forth. Howard is not satisfied with the way things are but also how they came to be and how to make them better.  

Becoming bored with programing, Howard changed careers and opened his own photography studio which he successfully ran for twelve years until he realized he was spending more time coaching others than actually running his own business. The photograph studio was closed and Howard started consulting full-time. 

Coming full circle, Howard is now taking his knowledge and mentoring a new generation of programmers (known as web developers) on the lessons of the past. For instance, how the Roman Legions of days long past actually influenced the design of NASA’s space shuttle.  

Howard is able to see the complete picture from the forest down to the leaves on the tress and then has the rare ability to explain it all in terms a lay person can understand.  

Howard is the author of numerous LinkedIn articles on a variety of business subjects.


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