Gerard Gorniak
  • Ammattinimike: Retired professor of Anatomical Sciences
  • Instituutio: University of St Augustine for Health Sciences
  • Maa: United States
  • Number of Titles: 8

Professor Gorniak taught graduate health care professionals at 3 Universities for 40 years. He has a PhD. in Anatomical Sciences, a BS in Physical Therapy and practiced clinically for 15 years. He has over 30 peer reviewed publications on anatomy and biomechanics; 5 years of NIH post-doctoral work in biomechanics; developed online Anatomy and Biomechanics courses; produced a video dissection series; and authored illustrated note packs for Biomechanics and Anatomy. He is currently retired in Florida with his wife of 48 years, 2 children and 4 grandchildren. 

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