Categories Corporate
Altizer Performance Partners, LLC
  • Maa: United States
  • Number of Titles: 1
  • Ota yhteyttä kirjailijaan:

Our unique capabilities in performance and wellness come from our professional and personal experiences and expertise. We have been road warriors in our time and together have earned over five million lifetime frequent-flyer miles globally. Each possesses a diverse set of experiences – non-profit executive/global corporate executive, small business owner/senior human resources leader, Certified Personal Trainer/scuba instructor. We share passions and accomplishments, including becoming RYT 200 yoga teachers and being martial arts instructors for over a decade. As working parents and caregivers, we have learned, sometimes repeatedly, the importance of taking care of mind, body, and spirit when life requires travel and coach class is as good as it gets.


Nonprofit development executive, small-business owner, published author, community leader, equestrian. NASM-Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Senior Fitness Specialist, RYT 200 yoga instructor, fourth-degree black belt martial arts instructor, ACHS Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, BA, MA, proud mother of two sons.


Thirty years of human resources executive experience working with C-suite leaders in Fortune 50 companies, as well as nonprofit and community organizations. Certified in Hogan® and MBTI® personality assessments. NAUI® scuba instructor, RYT 200 yoga instructor, fourthdegree black belt martial arts instructor, BA, MA, MBA, proud father of two sons.

Selaa kaikkia kirjoja kriteerillä Altizer Performance Partners, LLC
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