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Vance Withers
  • País: United Kingdom
  • Número de títulos: 2
  • Contacta con el autor:

The author is Vance Withers, an experienced and passionate commercial leader with over forty years of International Sales and Leadership experience. His first team management role came at the age of twenty-three and he quickly established a reputation for supporting and developing people, alongside achieving outstanding business results. Following this initial experience, his passion for developing people continued to grow and after twenty years in sales roles, he secured his first dedicated consultancy and training role – a role that he held for eleven years before accepting a request from a client to return to commercial life in an International Sales role.

In 2017 he left this role to start the 496 Partnership to allow him to return to his passion for helping individuals and businesses to achieve their full potential.

He is the author of two books:

“Cooking for Business” – a book detailing ‘ingredients’ for success in a number of key business areas based upon feedback gained from working with 1000’s of Senior Managers throughout his career.

“What Does Success Look Like” – a book that takes the reader through a step-by-step approach to convert ideas and goals into practical action plans.

He is actively involved in his local community through charity work and membership of the Parish Council. He is also a volunteer Mentor for Help 4 Heroes – the Armed Forces charity that aims to re-settle ex-service men and women into the community.

He is an accomplished musician and chef, a keen collector of antiques and an enthusiastic mountain biker and boater.

He currently lives in the village of Birtsmorton, Worcestershire, with his wife Karen.

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