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Libro Electrónico de ámbito Profesional

The Power of Play in the Workplace

with Terry Pearce

Idioma :  English
Play is serious business, and leading organisations use it to make their workplaces productive and engaging, and to retain and empower staff. Find out how you can use the power of play at work.
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Play is synonymous with childhood; work is seen as serious business. But all adults play – play is serious business, too, and leading organisations use it to make their workplaces productive, engaging places that retain and get the best from staff. Find out how you can use the power of play to boost your workplace without compromising the serious nature of your business.

About the Expert

Terry's passion for helping people learn has led him to spend twenty years in the Learning & Development industry. In that time, he's won awards for learning programme design from the London NHS Modernisation Agency, the Healthcare People Management Association, and Reed Learning. Working with FTSE100 organisations and public sector bodies across a wide range of personal development and effectiveness topics, he has helped thousands of learners improve their personal impact and add value to what they do.

Sobre el Autor

Terry Pearce