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Libro Electrónico de ámbito Profesional

Invest your Reputation in Others

Building Mutual Success through Career Sponsorship

Idioma :  English
Learn how to identify growth opportunities, advocate effectively, and apply practical techniques for sponsoring others.
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book.tabs.learning objectives

Investing your reputation in others is a powerful leadership strategy. By actively advocating for others, you not only help them grow but also build a strong professional network based on trust and mutual success. In this Virtual Classroom, you’ll learn how to identify opportunities to support others’ career development, advocate effectively, avoid common pitfalls, and apply practical techniques for sponsoring and endorsing team members.

About the Expert

Dr. Petra Wüst heads the consulting firm Wüst Consulting GmbH in Basel. She is an expert in self-branding and self-marketing and has worked internationally as a trainer, speaker and coach for 20 years. She also teaches at the University of Basel and is the author of several renowned books. In her current work, she focuses on Team Branding, merging team building with strategic positioning to create high performing teams.

Identify opportunities to support the career development of others and utilise them effectively.

Develop skills to recognise and work around potential barriers to supporting others.

Acquire and test practical methods for supporting the career development of colleagues and network partners.

Sobre el Autor

Petra Wüst