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Expert Talk: The B2B Sales Blueprint

A Hands-On Guide with IBM Global Sales Leader Steven Dickens

28m 15s
Idioma :  English
The B2B Sales Blueprint: A hands-on guide to generating more leads, closing more deals, and Working less. B2B sales can be hard, especially without enough leads. This is a really helpful interview.
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The B2B Sales Blueprint is a methodology designed to teach business owners and sales professionals how to generate more leads, close more deals, and work less. The premise of the program came out of Steven Dickens' own frustrations with generating new business and managing large sales teams. The approach he developed is powerful, simple, and easy to implement for all types of companies. If you are a salesperson or a executive or a business person looking to obtain better results from your sales processes this interview with Nat Schooler and Steven will help you. Take a listen!

About the author

Nat Schooler is a Futuristic Podcast Host, International Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur & Trusted Advisor. Nat has been recognized as an expert in his field with 250+ Interviews and collaborations with Michael Tobin OBE, Kim-Adele Platts, Stanley Tucci and other luminaries.

He has been recognized by LinkedIn as one of its Power Profile Award winners and is the author of "Podcast Recipe" which was awarded #1 on Amazon's Hot New Releases list. Nat’s clients have included IBM, Google, Microsoft, Oracle and Brother Printers.

Sobre el Autor

Nat Schooler