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Stress Management

Mike Tobin OBE

11m 58s
Idioma :  English
As we become more familiar with our own style of stress management, it is much easier to manage the stress from our demanding work outputs, this Expert Talk with CEO Michael Tobin OBE can't be missed.
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As we become more familiar with our own style of stress management, it is much easier to manage the stress from our demanding work outputs. Michael discussed how he manages stress, manages his time and allocates that time to the issue or issues that are causing the stress in the first place. His mantra is if you can do something about it or you can't. If you can't then doing nothing is an option. Worrying is not good and should be avoided. He discussed the time when he put his executives in the sea to swim with sharks.This put their lives into perspective! This talk cannot be missed!

About the Author

Nathaniel Schooler - an engaging interviewer, writer and trusted adviser. IBM Futurist and LinkedIn Power Profile Award Winner. 

He interviews amazing experts. People who have started, built and been part of some of the largest brands in the world and made a huge impact. Prior experience taught him business communication is about real world relationships, (avoiding techno speak and meaningless jargon).
Sobre el Autor

Nat Schooler