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Expert Talk: Innovation

Interview with Mike Briercliffe

15m 26s
Idioma :  English
Innovation - the process by which existing products or services are improved. Innovation can be achieved through research, new technologies & processes, changes in marketing methods or customer needs.
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Innovation: Interpreted as product innovation, or service innovation, or process innovation, or business development etc...Innovation may involve small steps (e.g., slight improvements in existing processes) or giant leaps (e.g., major changes in how a business operates). Innovation has impacts on all aspects of a business and any department can innovate. Innovation may result in new or modified products and services that serve existing markets better. Innovation is more than an idea - it involves bringing new ideas to reality through action. Mike Briercliffe shares 40+ years experience here!

About the Author

Nathaniel Schooler - an engaging interviewer, writer and trusted adviser. IBM Futurist and LinkedIn Power Profile Award Winner.

He interviews amazing experts. People who have started, built and been part of some of the largest brands in the world and made a huge impact.

Prior experience taught him business communication is about real world relationships, (avoiding techno speak and meaningless jargon).

Sobre el Autor

Nat Schooler