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Expert Talk: Customer Service

Interview with Alison Edgar

16m 3s
Idioma :  English
"Sales and customer service are one and the same" according to Alison Edgar. In this entertaining expert talk she shares value and wisdom from decades of experience dispelling any myths you may have.
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"If you want to succeed as a business, you need to understand customer service, the cost of getting a new customer is much higher than retaining an existing one. When it’s delivered correctly sales and customer service is exactly the same thing and in this interview expert Alison Edgar dispels the myths around this important topic. Alison has helped thousands of sales professionals master the art of selling. She regularly appears on the BBC and LBC Radio and has been named one of the UK’s top 10 business advisers. The UK is number 1 sales & marketing adviser by Enterprise Nation.

About the Author

Nathaniel Schooler - an engaging interviewer, writer and trusted adviser. IBM Futurist and LinkedIn Power Profile Award Winner. 

He interviews amazing experts. People who have started, built and been part of some of the largest brands in the world and made a huge impact. Prior experience taught him business communication is about real world relationships, (avoiding techno speak and meaningless jargon).
Sobre el Autor

Nat Schooler