categorías corporativa
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Empathy For Managers

Empathy and Compassion for Effective Management

13m 2s
Idioma :  English
Julie Hogbin discusses the importance of empathy and compassion for managers, emphasising their roles in building trust, enhancing communication, and fostering a supportive workplace culture.
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Julie Hogbin explores empathy and compassion for managers, defining empathy as understanding others’ feelings and experiences, and compassion as taking action to alleviate suffering. She emphasises empathy’s limitations, yet highlights the synergy with compassion, which can boost emotional intelligence, decision-making, and workplace culture. Empathy and compassion address challenges like burnout and misinterpretation, advising managers to practice self-care and model self-compassion. With the benefits attached why would managers not actively apply empathy and compassion?

Sobre el Autor

Julie Hogbin