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Libro Electrónico de ámbito Profesional

Career Factor Resilience

Idioma :  English
Why people react differently to setbacks is down to their resilience. In this Virtual Classroom we tell you how you can learn and train mental resilience.
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When does everything in life go smoothly? But while some people despair at even minor hurdles, others seem to be able to overcome even major obstacles on their path through life unscathed. Why people react so differently to setbacks is due to their resilience: the more or less pronounced ability to master crises. You can learn and train this psychological resilience. Business coach Jens Glende tells you how it works in this Virtual Classroom.

About the Expert

Jens Glende has been a business coach and management trainer for over 12 years. During his studies in business administration, the business graduate already worked for the management consultancy OSCAR and after his studies he worked for 9 years in product management at Henkel as a manager. His clients include Detecon International, Deutsche Telekom, Ford Motor Company, Henkel, KPMG, L'ORÉAL ÖSTERREICH and the REWE Group.He supports managers in the areas of potential development, stress management, leadership, communication and change management.

Sobre el Autor

Jens Glende