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Ndiimanae Rabuli
  • País: South Africa
  • Número de títulos: 15

Ndiimanae Rabuli is a noteworthy leader in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion space with over 7 years of experience. Having studied a qualification in Industrial Organization Psychology, Ndiimanae wanted to bring back the Human in HR and that begins with organizations embracing diversity and including everyone at the table with the understanding that “Diversity is getting invited to the table. Inclusion is having a voice at the table.”
In addition to her work in DEI, Ndiimanae is also a highly analytical and process-oriented Junior Data analyst with extensive specialist knowledge and an in-depth understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusivity issues. What sets her apart from others is her ability to provide quality advice, data analysis, guidance, and support on equality, equity, and diversity issues.

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