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Álvaro Vizcaíno
  • País: Spain
  • Número de títulos: 2

Álvaro Vizcaíno started out as an entrepreneur and dedicated himself to the tourism sector for a decade, generating millionaire dynamics with his clients. He had everything: money, business, friends and his surfing lifestyle. However, "looking for the perfect wave", he found the perfect test - one of those where you either win or lose everything.  

After a brutal accident and serious injuries, he was faced with the hardest decision and had two days to save his own life.  

He is a marketing expert but studied psychology, bioenergy, transpersonal psychology, mindfulness and coaching. 

Álvaro discusses life’s important issues bluntly. His greatest difficulty has always become his biggest opportunity. His Spanish book, called "Radical Acceptance", explains that fear is what can make someone reach the best version of themselves, and is the key to his formula. 

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