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Health for Wealth
Number of Titles: 30
Health for wealth - en podd om hälsa på jobbet.
Människor som mår bra, kan prestera bra.
För att må bra på jobbet behöver vi goda samarbeten, rätt resurser, handlingsutrymme och trygga ledare - som har tid att leda.
Hur man gör för att nå dit? Det undersöker vi i den här podden. Vi är Ann-Sofie Forsmark, hälsostrateg och grundare av Oxy Group, och Boel Stier, kommunikationskonsult.
How to Reduce Occupational Stress
A self-help guide and an approach to manage and reduce occupational stress of your business organization and improve the mental health of your people based on seven principles of ancient Greek wisdom.
Mental Health
Julie Hogbin talks about Mental Health. The importance of realising what it is and how it affects individuals plus the reality of what we need to do to maintain it.
Health insurance
In this eBook, equivalence premiums for health insurance contracts are obtained through multi-state modelling supported by a discussion of conventional health insurance products, stop loss insurance.
Women’s Health in the Workplace
In this Expert Talk Helen will talk about women’s health in the workplace.
Mental Health & Mental Wellbeing
When you break an arm, you go to the doctor, but we don't do the same when it comes to problems with our mental health.
Personal Health, Wellbeing and Business Growth
Taking responsibility for our personal health and wellbeing is critical in business. We need to be in optimal health if we are to perform at optimal levels. We must not take our health for granted.
A Health & Well-being Strategy
The book shows how to make a business case for developing a health and wellbeing strategy, who to involve and ways to implement.
Unconscious Bias: Women’s Health in the Workplace
The unconscious bias that women face in the workplace can be related to menopausal health issues. Helen Morris explores these challenges and how they can be addressed with mindfulness techniques
Simple Changes Make a Big Difference to Our Health
We often resist change but making important changes for the sake of good health are essential both now and in the future. Small changes can have a huge impact on your overall health and wellbeing.
Let’s Talk About Your Mental Health
Challenges will always be part of the journey if you want to be successful. Jay discusses how important is caring for your mental health on your journey.