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Understanding Computer Simulation
This book describes computer simulation concepts then provides basic details about using discrete-event computer simulation for decision making.

Introductory Climate Science
The book is a primer for students of the climate. It will also be of use to anyone wishing to understand the science underlying global warming from increasing greenhouse gas concentrations.

The Evolution of Modern Science
The Evolution of Modern Science outlines the story of science from Aristotle to the present.

Mathematics for Computer Scientists
In this book you find the basic mathematics that is needed by computer scientists.

Limits of Science
This book examines the scope, purpose and methodology of science, and areas of the universe, reality and knowledge that lay beyond this scope.

IT Best Practices: Purchasing a New Computer
Peter goes into the key steps and decisions to make before buying a new computer to make sure you end up with a machine that fits your needs and budget.

Mathematical Modeling I - preliminary
Mathematical modeling is the most effective bridge connecting mathematics and many disciplines such as physics, biology, computer science, engineering, and social sciences.

The Science of Sales
To understand them, you have to know your S OS,which stands for the science of selling.What that simply means is that you have to know your numbersand how to apply them to your selling.

The Application of Nuclear Science to Space
12CLIFFORD JONESTHE APPLICATION OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE TO SPACE3The Application of Nuclear Science to Space1st editionĀ© 2022 Clifford Jones & bookboon.comISBN 978-87-403-4068-6

How to do the Final Year Projects
Every year, many Computer Science and IT students need to prepare themselves for their final year projects.