William Conrad
  • Professionel titel: Associate Professor – Physical Therapy
  • Land: United States
  • Number of Titles: 7

Dr. Will Conrad has been a licensed Physical Therapist since 2004 and has taught Anatomy, Physiology and Orthopedics at the graduate level since 2005. Dr. Conrad holds an Educational Doctorate (EdD) with an emphasis on Anatomy Education, a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree (DPT), a Master’s degree in Exercise Science and Rehabilitation, and Undergraduate Degrees in both Clinical Nutrition and Nutrition/Fitness/Health. Dr. Conrad has numerous peer reviewed anatomy-based publications and has also spoken on the topic of anatomy education in the health sciences. Additionally, Dr. Conrad has co-authored a cadaver-based video dissection series, an independent online anatomy course as well as multiple Anatomy Synopsis textbooks. Dr. Conrad’s post-graduate clinical experience includes acute care, out-patient, and home health physical therapy.

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