Categories Corporate
Sunny Patel
  • Země: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1

The Author is Sunny Patel, a former Teacher, Trainer, Curriculum Manager and Senior Manager. Most recently Sunny was a Senior Curriculum Manager for an international Software House in London a role he left to begin his own Coaching Business. During his managerial career, Sunny has led teams of Trainers, mentored Junior Trainers and Trainee Teachers, and managed Instructional Designers across the globe with the aim being to launch, manage and maintain high quality Training courses and materials. Much of this has been at a distance and remotely. He is now a Certified Life and Career Coach who works independently Coaching Professionals through purpose-centric life and career changes.

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Máte skvělý nápad, který byste chtěli proměnit na obchodní knihu nebo studentskou učebnici? Naučili vás vaše zkušenosti něco o osobním rozvoji, co byste chtěli sdílet se světem? Nebo se specializujete na akademický předmět, který byste dokázali lépe vysvětlit? Knihy Bookboon charakterizuje kvalita, srozumitelnost a stručnost. Promluvte si s naším redakčním týmem a zveřejněte to!