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Somesh K Mathur, PhD
  • Země: India
  • Number of Titles: 1

Somesh K. Mathur, PhD has nearly eleven years of teaching and research experience at the Department of Economics, Jamia Millia Islamia (Central University), Delhi prior to his joining the IIT Kanpur ( in 2008. While teaching at the Jamia he completed his M. Phil and PhD degrees in economics from the Centre for International Trade and Development, JNU(Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi). He joined as Fellow at the RIS, Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India in April, 2006 on deputation from the Department of Economics, JMI for two years. In 2008, he has joined on permanent basis IIT Kanpur as Assistant Professor of Economics in the Humanities and Social Sciences (H&SS) department of the IIT Kanpur. At present he has been elevated to position of Associate Professor of Economics, HSS, IIT K.

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