Categories Corporate
Jonathan Bond
  • Země: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1

Jonathan Bond worked as the Director of HR & Learning in a growing global law firm for over 15 years, having previously worked in the banking sector, where he specialised in HR and communication. He is an expert in developing people strategies, advising and coaching leaders, as well as designing and delivering learning and development programmes. In his most recent role, he led a global team of 170 HR experts across 28 offices in 23 countries and won multiple awards as an HR Director and for diversity & inclusion. He is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development.

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Máte skvělý nápad, který byste chtěli proměnit na obchodní knihu nebo studentskou učebnici? Naučili vás vaše zkušenosti něco o osobním rozvoji, co byste chtěli sdílet se světem? Nebo se specializujete na akademický předmět, který byste dokázali lépe vysvětlit? Knihy Bookboon charakterizuje kvalita, srozumitelnost a stručnost. Promluvte si s naším redakčním týmem a zveřejněte to!