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Hazbo Skoko
  • Země: Australia
  • Number of Titles: 1

Hazbo holds a doctorate in IT and ICT management, a masters degree in information economics, and a masters degree in international business management. His professional, commercial, research and teaching experience includes work in many countries including Austria, Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Germany, Sweden, Canada, China, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Slovenia, France, the UK, New Zealand, the US, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Ghana and Australia.

His research interests include IT and ICT management, international business, information economics, quantum physics, complex systems and systemic approach applications. He has written four (three single author and one co-author) books and a number of articles in international journals.

Besides working full-time at Charles Sturt University, he is a visiting professor or guest professor at several prime universities around the world. In 2011 the World Education Congress Asia Award awarded him the ‘Best Professor in Economics’ award for teaching, integrity and leadership.

In his spare time he paints, plays saxophone, and writes short stories and scripts. He is also a very keen jogger, having run half marathons or full marathons in New York, London, Berlin, Chicago, Sydney, Canberra and elsewhere.

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