Dr Eduardo Gelbstein
  • Země: Switzerland
  • Number of Titles: 2

With nearly 50 years experience in the private and public sectors in several countries, Ed has been active in information security through publications, international conferences, workshops and also as an auditor.

After many years as a senior Information Technology manager in the pre-privatised British Rail, he joined the United Nations as Director of the International Computing Centre, a service organization providing services to many international organisations. Following his retirement, he was invited to joint the audit teams of the United Nations Board of External Auditors and those of the French National Audit Office (Cour des Comptes), activities he continued for several years.

He is currently a Senior Fellow of the Diplo Foundation, an entity that provides online training to diplomats around the world. He is also a faculty member of Webster University, Geneva, Switzerland and a guest speaker at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. He remains a contributor to security conferences in Europe, the Arabian Gulf and Africa.

His publications include several books and articles in peer-reviewed journals. Amongst them: “Quantifying Information Risk and Security”, ISACA Journal, July 2013.

“Demonstrating Due Diligence in the management of Information Security, ISACA Journal, January 2013. “Strengthening Information Security Governance, ISACA Journal, November 2012

“Planning an I.T. Audit for a Critical Information Infrastructure”, Chapter 11 of the book “Securing Critical Infrastructures and Critical Control Systems – approaches for Threat Protection” edited by Christopher Laing IGI Global, November 2012

“Law and Technology – Cyberwar, Cyberterrorism and Digital Immobilization”, co-authored and coedited with Professor Pauline Reich, IGI Global, November 2012

“Data Integrity, the poor relation of Information Security”, ISACA Journal, November 2011 “Crossing the Executive Digital Divide”, Diplo Foundation, Geneva, 2006

“The Information Society Library”, a collection of 9 booklets (3 of them on security), Diplo Foundation, Geneva, 2003 (in support of the first World Summit of the Information Society)

“Information Insecurity”, United Nations Secretary General’s Information and Communications Task Force, September 2002

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