Dhana Nandini
  • Země: India
  • Number of Titles: 1

Educational background:

I completed my Bachelors in Computer Engineering from Fr.Conceicao Rodrigues College Of Engineering, India with a distinction grade. I was awarded the prestigious, SIR RATAN TATA TRUST, scholarship for two consecutive years, for academic excellence. I practically implemented a project on “Semantic Web” during my final year which was a great success.

I have been appreciated and awarded by all the educational institutions where I studied for my excellence in academics.

Current role: Developer at TATA Consultancy Services Ltd.


  • IBM Certified Associate System Administrator- Lotus Notes and Domino 8
  • Certificate in Investment Banking Services and Entities (TCS Business Domain Academy)
  • Certificate in Cloud Computing (TCS Business Domain Academy)
  • Publication:

    I published a research paper on “Semantic Web Enabled Virtual Travel Agency” which was accepted for publication by four international journals. It is published in IJSER Journal.


    I currently work on the technology of Mainframes. My responsibilities include:

    1. Analyzing the business requirement and create Application Design Documents for the same.
    2. Implementing the change in existing system as per the business requirement.
    3. Performing testing and delivering a flawless system to the client.

    Professional achievements:

    I was rated as a top performer during the induction program and as a token of appreciation I was invited by the management to attend the inauguration ceremony of TCS Office-Gujrat, inaugurated by the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi.

    I was chosen to mentor associates to improvise their technical as well as business skills. I am also a core committee member of TCS Maitree-Bibliophile club.

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