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Semantic Web And Ontology

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Language :  English
This book is intended for undergraduate engineering students who are interested in exploring the technology of Semantic web.
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This book is intended for undergraduate engineering students who are interested in exploring the technology of Semantic web. The book simplifies the tough concepts associated with Semantic web and hence it can be considered as the base to build the knowledge about Web 3.0. The book also discusses about the role of a very unique technology, JADE, in building Semantic web. In addition to this, the book also explains the way to implement a project in Semantic web. Hence, the book will project a great wave of influence on the students interested in implementing projects on research topics.

This book was reviewed by Ms. Assistant Professor Swati Ringe.

  1. The Revolution Of Web
    1. Basic Terms:
    2. How it all happened
    3. Working of a Web server
    4. Evolution of Web
  2. Need For Semantic Web
    1. Introduction
    2. Simple Activity
    3. Web
    4. approach
    5. Semantic Web’s approach
    6. Benefits of Semantic Web
  3. Introduction To Semantic Web
    1. Defining Semantic Web
    2. Characteristics of Semantic Web
    3. Semantic Web Vs Artificial Intelligence (AI)
    4. SDLC - An Overview
    5. Building-blocks of Semantic Web
  4. Ontology
    1. Introduction to Ontology
    2. Switching from database to Ontology
    3. Difference between Ontology and taxonomy
    4. Types of Ontology
    5. Why to develop Ontology?
    6. Ontology development life-cycle
    7. Ontology Usage
    8. Advantages of Ontology
    9. Limitations of Ontology
  5. Rdf And Sparql
    1. Introduction to RDF
    2. RDF graph
    3. Constructing RDF
    4. Introduction to SPARQL
    5. SQL
    6. Constructing a SPARQL query
  6. Protégé
    1. Introduction to Protégé
    2. Files in Protégé
    3. Instances
  7. Swoogle
    1. Introduction
    2. Swoogle
    3. History of Swoogle
    4. Implementation of Swoogle
  8. Case-Study Related To Semantic Web
    1. An introduction to E-Commerce
    2. Challenges to E-Commerce
    3. Current scenario
    4. Case study - Implementing a Virtual Travel Agency in Semantic Web
    5. Architecture of the proposed system
  9. References
The book was really informative.
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About the Author

Dhana Nandini