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Jennifer Jones
  • Země: United Kingdom
  • Number of Titles: 1

Published author and expert writing coach, Jennifer Diann Jones has been helping people become happier, more productive writers since 2001. She trained to teach writing during her PhD at the University of California at Davis. She has taught at universities in the US and the UK, and now she coaches consultants, coaches, and healers to write their credibility-building books. Her book, There's a Book in Every Expert (that's you!), came out to rave reviews in 2020. When she's not talking about writing, she can often be found researching and writing about Victorian medicine and popular culture.

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Máte skvělý nápad, který byste chtěli proměnit na obchodní knihu nebo studentskou učebnici? Naučili vás vaše zkušenosti něco o osobním rozvoji, co byste chtěli sdílet se světem? Nebo se specializujete na akademický předmět, který byste dokázali lépe vysvětlit? Knihy Bookboon charakterizuje kvalita, srozumitelnost a stručnost. Promluvte si s naším redakčním týmem a zveřejněte to!